Monday, 31 October 2011

It's Monday!

When David said we were to create our blogs and write about what we have learned this week, I realised it was only Monday. For about 5 hours, I was convinved that it was Tuesday. So today I learned that it is Tuesday. I should have known this because it's Halloween. Talking of Halloween, I saw in Saturday's Herald (had to get that in there to prove in some way that I am semi-cultured and educated even though I don't know my days of the week) that a columnist had typed "Hallowe'en". This seems to be the general spelling because it's Hallow's Eve. But if I was to do a class display in a school saying "Our Halloween Masks", I wouldn't spell it with an apostrophe; any thoughts? Which is strange, cos I'm quite funny about grammar and spelling and things.


  1. Aye, ther'es nothin'g worse than misplace'd apostrophe's!!!

    Halloween btw ;)

  2. As much as I am considered a grammer Nazi but my more illiterate friends, I would leave the apostrophe out from Halloween purely because it would be confusing the children to explain why everyone else in the entire world bar some few gifted journalists are punctuating it wrong.

  3. First of all...glad to see I am not the only grammar obsessed person here! Second of all... I too would go without the apostrophe but I am now sitting thinking this over in my head far too much!x

  4. "...use is the sole arbiter and norm of speech."
    -- Horace

    See also the spelling of hiccough!
